About Strong Guidance

Hello!  Welcome to Strong Guidance Company.  I am Kelly Meade, founder and owner.  I am a Master Herbalist and Reiki Master.  I’ve always been interested and around natural healing modalities for as long as I can remember.  I credit my Grandmother for my interests, as she was always curious about healing and spirituality.

I am a disabled US Army Veteran and have served as a mentor with Veteran Treatment Courts for the past 14 years, helping numerous fellow veterans with PTSD and difficult transition periods in their life.  However, my work spans decades and has always been by word-of-mouth.  Strong Guidance Company comes to you after many requests from friends, family and acquaintances nudging me to make myself available to you.  I realize Americans are seeking out these alternative or natural healing methods as they strive to live healthier lives.

It is my goal to assist you to happiness as you release suffering on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

about us

Strong Guidance Company is a spiritual community that honors all paths.  As an open-minded community, we extend a warm welcome to all in search of respect and acceptance for who they are.  We strive to inspire, support, and guide every person in growing into their highest potential.  We believe when people call themselves spiritual they are essentially saying three things:

1. They believe there is more to this world than meets the eye.

2. They try to attend to their inner life of mental and emotional states in hopes of gaining a particular kind of self-knowledge.

3. They value and strive to be compassionate, empathetic and open hearted.

We believe the Universe is fundamentally spiritual with an intelligence, purpose, order and beauty.  Whether you call it God, Spirit, Source, Energy or Universal Intelligence – every person, place, and thing emanate from this spiritual universe.  We believe this intelligence is within all of us as well as around us, and that we are conscious of it.

This universal knowledge – brought forth through practices like meditation, self-reflection and (in some cases) psychotherapy – leads one to become more sensitive to the emotions of others and their surroundings, both natural and social.

About Kelly

Kelly is a Master Herbalist and Reiki Master who lives in Michigan with her fiancé and two dogs on Lake Tyrone.  Kelly has always appreciated the “alternative” healing practices.

Kelly is a disabled Army Veteran who volunteers her time as a Mentor with Veteran Treatment Courts.  Kelly has also worked as a state licensed Collection Manager for more than 25 years.  Kelly has provided counseling to thousands of troubled people over the years.

Kelly believes life is your spiritual practice.  Everything that happens in life is an opportunity to be better than the moment before.

What Our Customers Say

Did you ever cry out for someone to just understand where you are coming from? Someone who looks through the road blocks you have carefully set around yourself and will tell you the truth? That’s Kelly Meade! She will not sugar coat her words or pander to your ego, but what she will do is set your soul on fire!

After meeting with her you will feel like you can soar – and you will!


Having Kelly as my Mentor has opened a new positive approach to life. A life I did not know was real. She walks beside me in my journey, not ahead of me.

She has taught me tools to handle emotions of daily life and past experiences. I have been blessed with my Mentor. Everyone needs Kelly….


I turned to Strong Guidance when I kept running into the same wall over and over. After my first meeting, I felt like things were going to be great. That was just the beginning. All my goals are coming true. You will absolutely smash your goals for the finances you want, and develop peace of mind.

I've been taught that first I must become successful and to really believe in what I'm doing, then everything else falls into place. My entire life I've struggled with ADD and being a day dreamer, this is where you learn to focus and make those day dreams come to life! The process in which you will learn to accomplish your dreams will be right in front of you. You just have to do it. I have always been missing something in my life that kept me from accomplishing my goals. Well, I've found it. I've found Strong Guidance. Life starts now.
